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of England Museum
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Opened: 1988
Address: Threadneedle St, London EC2R 8AH, United Kingdom
Hours: Closed on Sunday
Phone: +44 20 7601 5545
Bank of England Museum
The Bank of England Museum is located within the Bank of England in the City of London. Its entrance is in Bartholomew Lane, off Threadneedle Street, close to Bank junction and Bank tube station. The museum is open to the general public, free of charge, on weekdays (excluding bank holidays) and on the day of the Lord Mayor's Show.
History Bank of England Museum: Previously, access to the Bank's collections had been by appointment only and visitors were escorted through the Bank to a small display area. In the 1980s the Bank of England decided that it would like to make its collections (and indeed itself) available to a greater audience and so planned to create a new museum which would open in 1994, the year of the Bank's tercentenary. However, a fire in 1986 caused severe damage to the area of the Bank above the proposed site and it was decided to begin work then rather than repair and rebuild later. The work took about 18 months to complete and the new museum, designed by exhibition consultants Higgins Gardner & Partners, was opened in 1988 by Queen Elizabeth II. In the same year it received the City Heritage Award and the Stone Federation Award for Outstanding Craftsmanship.......Wikipedia >>
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