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Address: London, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 20 7332 3700
Clockmakers' Museum
The Clockmakers' Museum in London, England is a collection of clocks, watches and other horological items which belongs to the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers, which is one of the City of London Livery Companies. It is housed in a gallery at the Guildhall. Admission is free.

In 2002 the museum was relaunched with refurbished displays. In addition to exhibiting clocks and watches it tells the history of clockmaking in London. There is also a rolling exhibition of 21st century clocks and watches made by contemporary artists and craftsmen.
Located at the same site, but administratively incorporated into the Guildhall Library visiting horological scholars will also find the Library of Worshipful Company of Clockmakers, one of the major publicly accessible collections of printed materials and manuscripts on British horology.......Wikipedia >>
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