David Game College

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Location: David Game House, 69 Notting Hill Gate, London, Greater London W11 3JS, United Kingdom  (74 A402, London, England, United Kingdom).
Phone: +44 20 7221 6665

David Game College
The David Game College Group is an independent college group in the UK. It was established in 1974.

History of David Game College:
The group has its roots in a tutorial college in the 70’s. David Game College was first accredited by the British Accreditation Council in 1993. After the most recent inspection, BAC's inspectors reported on a good or excellent standard of provision in all of the areas assessed during the inspection.

The various Colleges that make up the group are located at various sites across London with a greater representation in the West, specifically Notting Hill, South Kensington and Fulham, as well as several colleges outside London and outside the U.K.