La Petite Ecole Francaise

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Location: La Petite Ecole Francaise, Kensington and Chelsea, London, England, United Kingdom. (73 Saint Charles Square, London, England, United Kingdom).
Phone: +44 20 8960 1278

La Petite Ecole Francaise
The primary school currently extends from CP to CE2, with a maximum of 20 children per class. In September 2014, we will open a CM1 and CM2 class in September 2015. You can contact the school office (020 89601278) if you want more information.

History of La Petite Ecole Francaise:
School fees for the year 2013-2014

DEPOSIT: £ 2.650
FEE: £ 200

The 'deposit' and registration fees must be paid before the child starts school. The registration fee will be required if we can secure a place and this place is accepted by the parents. We do not ask for costs to add your child on the waiting list and to visit the school. If tuition increases, the deposit increases.

The 'deposit is returned to parents at the end of large section when the child leaves school. If child leaves the institution, the school must be informed before the school term for the next quarter, a refund will be made. Example: if the child leaves the school in January the 'deposit' will be returned if a letter informing the departure of the student is given the school until September.

SCHOOL FEES (per quarter)

Q1 (September to December) £ 2650
2nd Qtr (January to March) £ 2650
3rd quarter (April to June) 2650 pounds
Lunch is included in the school fees 4 times a week.

School fees must be paid during the first week of each quarter. The most convenient payment method is bank transfer, however, we also accept checks. We ask you to ensure that the child's name is inscribed on the back of the check or as a reference for the bank transfer. Checks payable to 'The Little French School'.