Mander Portman Woodward Independent College

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Location: 99 Queen's Gate, London, England, United Kingdom.
Phone: +44 20 7835 1355

Mander Portman Woodward Independent College
Mander Portman Woodward is a group of independent schools in England, with schools in London, Birmingham and Cambridge, offering GCSE and A-Level courses. The CEO is Nigel Stout. The school was formed in its current structure in 1973 by Robert Woodward,[1] Rodney Portman and Nicholas Mander. The major strength of MPW is the small group sizes (maximum of eight pupils per class), which means that students get a lot of individual attention. Mander Portman Woodward also offer Easter revision courses for GCSE, AS and A level students from other schools. The London and Birmingham colleges are part of the CIFE group. MPW produce a range of books including 'Getting into...' guides, 'How to complete UCAS' and 'A-Z of surviving exams.

History of Mander Portman Woodward Independent College:
The Mander Portman Woodward in Cambridge is situated on Brookside, just off Trumpington Road, a few minutes walk from the centre of Cambridge. Established in 1987, it is a co-educational GCSE and A-level college accepting up to 180 students per year. The schools teaching hours are between 0900 and 1800. On the BBC School Table Mander Portman Woodward Cambridge is ranked higher than both the London and Birmingham schools.

MPW Cambridge is not only known for its academic merits, but is also known for its high-society student body, often referred to by other schools in Cambridge as "MPWians". Most leaving students go on to read esteemed courses at university such as Medicine, Law, and Dentistry. The school is also known for its high oxbridge entry percentage, which is aided by the school's "mock oxbridge interviews" and "oxbridge entry guide" systems. The current Principal is Nick Marriott.